FOMI Unplugged : The Electrifying Fear of Making It!

Will Fear of Making It in an EV Spark a Highway Hazard or Power Through to Rescue?

In the electric dawn of the EV era, where the hum of combustion engines is increasingly drowned out by the silent surge of electric motors, a new kind of anxiety charges through the hearts of motorists. It's not the traditional fear of missing out (FOMO) that haunts our social media-saturated lives, but a more potent and paralyzing dread: the “Fear of Making It” (FOMI). This isn't about success, fame, or fortune but rather the simple, primal quest to reach your destination on a single charge.

Imagine the scene: a crisp morning, the sun barely peeking over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the N4 Highway. Known not for its scenic beauty but for its darker, more sinister reputation as a hotspot for spiking and hijackings, this stretch of road is no place to be stranded…

Now, I am busy testing a rather special EV at the moment and had planned to recharge the vehicle to full capacity the day before—an intention as good as any road to hell, paved with them. Life, as it often does, intervened, leaving me with a range of approximately 95km, which would be enough to head to the mall for a full quick charge. But then...

You should ALWAYS make sure your spare is inflated!

A call for help from a friend in distress with a flat tire, stranded approximately 20km away…on the N4 Highway of Danger! Simple math: a ±40km round trip, well within my dwindling range. But here's the twist! Continue reading…»

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