TGRSA Gears Up for Secunda Rally

Hoping for Fewer Smoke Breaks, More Podium Sparks

Toyota Gazoo Racing South Africa (TGRSA) is dusting off their wrenches and prepping their fire extinguishers (mostly for Mandla Mdakane, if we're being honest) as they head to the Secunda Rally. Things are about to get hectic - and hopefully less smoky - for our favorite motoring misfits.

The Secunda Rally, happening on May 31st and June 1st (because apparently they ran out of weekends this year), is rounds 3 and 4 of the 2024 National Rally Championship. The last rally was a bit of a rollercoaster for TGRSA. Mandla Mdakane and his co-driver Kes Naidoo did a stellar job snagging third place in round 1, proving they can be consistent (and maybe a little lucky). Unfortunately, round 2 ended with them limping home with a broken suspension, leaving them with more disappointment than trophies.

Jono van Wyk and Nico Swartz had their fair share of drama too. They blazed through a stage with the speed of a startled springbok, even managing a stage win, but then their steering decided to take a permanent vacation just 200 meters from the finish line. Talk about a cruel twist of fate! Luckily, the team's been working hard to make sure their trusty Toyota Starlets are in tip-top shape for Secunda. Think of it as a spa day for race cars, minus the cucumber slices on their headlights.

The weather forecast for Secunda is looking like a perfect rally recipe: partly cloudy skies and temperatures that won't leave the drivers feeling like they're competing in a furnace. TGRSA Rally Manager, Guy Botterill, is confident that things will be different this time around. "We've had our bumps in the road," he says, likely referring to Mdakane's car troubles, "but the team's been flat out making sure our cars are ready to tackle anything Secunda throws at them. We believe in our drivers and their ability to avoid smoky exits this time around."

So, will TGRSA dominate the Secunda Rally and shower the podium with champagne (or maybe just some lukewarm Sparletta)? We'll have to wait and see, but one thing's for sure: it's bound to be an exciting ride!

Images : Supplied


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